Today was a short day at work, due to the SNOW!!! We got over 2 feet of snow last night
When I got home I got straight to business! We only have two more days until the RFC starts and I want to be armed and ready So far we have made two stops to stock up our kitchen. The first one was to Costco and second one was Henry’s Whole Food Market, where we bought a lot of things that will last us a while so our bill of course was higher the it normally will be.
Here is what we got:
Now that leaves us with 119.78 to spend for the rest of March. For the most part I will be going to the Farmers Market for fresh fruit and veggies and the occasional item at the market. I think we should be stocked up on juice (which Hubby is switching to instead of Crystal Light), meat, and flour.
You might see on the list that we got two bagged items, the organic tortilla and potato chips. They follow the RFC "rules" with less then 5 ingredients and all real foods, but they will be eaten in moderation of course. I made a wonderful excel spreadsheet that lists out our groceries, meals, and spending.
The things in Yellow I already had on hand, in Blue we got at Costco, and in Green we got at a local Market. If you want to see it larger click:
I planned two weeks of meals to keep me accountable, but I will always try to use everything I have on hand, before going out and buying a ton of ingredients for a new recipe. I am going to love trying new recipes!!!!
We just realized that Hubby will be gone Thursday and Friday for a work conference and I will have to send him with FOOD!!!! I have come up with some ideas, but am open for your ideas as well I am thinking PB and Honey sandwiches, trail mix, home made granola bars, Triscuts, fruit leathers, and tortilla chips. He won’t have access to a fridge, so this is HARD!
We are also going to be gone in VEGAS Monday and Tuesday and will start our first day of the challenge on our way back!!! We leave tomorrow morning so I have been busy in the kitchen making sure we are fully stocked with things to eat when we get back
What I am working on right now…
Vita-Mix Granola Bars…
Almond Milk…
And Whole Wheat tortillas…
Full recipes to come soon.
We are going out to our favorite Pizza Shop tonight to have our last slice of white pizza dough for a while I’ll be back tonight to show you the goods!
Also if you still want to do the challenge with us, you still have time. Shoot me an email!
See you all soon!
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