Fried Fish for Breakfast

So excited about everyone’s response to the 100 days of clean food challenge. I am already going to create an excel list for everyone and hope to have fun prizes along the way. Nothing like a free blender or juicer to keep you motivated 🙂 If you haven’t left me a comment yet, letting me know you want to join please do so.

Ok so yesterday was a bit of a whirl wind. I spent the night up at camp, because it is SNOWING and woke up to a REAL southern breakfast. Fried fish, Grits, and Biscuits! Miss. Annie was so kind to make it for us all.


This is something I probably will never have again, but it sure was an experience. 


But I did love the biscuits 🙂


After work the Hubs and I met up at PF Changs with Monica from Run Eat Repeat and her Hubby Ben. Love them both! So glad we finally got together 🙂


I started with a glass of red.


Then ordered the  Curry Tofu and Veggies 🙂


Then it was time for dessert!


Carrot Cake for one. Yes, please.


My hottie husband.


Blogger Friends for Life!


Such a fun day. Now on to another. Today were teaching Sunday school and then I am off to work. Tonight I am hoping to make it to the gym. Wish me luck 🙂

Question: Have you ever eaten fish for breakfast?


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