Man this day has gone by so quick it’s FREAKY, I am barely sitting down to blog.
Well let me do a mini recap on last night.
Got home and changed super fast because I went to a power yoga class at a new gym down the street. The class we an hour long and there were only about 6 of us so it was kind of like a private session. It was ok until these other women in the class started laughing, a little hard to hold poses and concentrate with all the noise. After we were done, I kinda wanted more…it was free I can’t complain.
After yoga the hubby and I decided to stay home from study and spend some quality time with each other. We didn’t know what to eat for dinner…so I decided to take a look through the cupboards and see what we had. I decided to finally try and make some tofu. I have had it in the fridge for a week now, and it was about time I gave it a try. I have had tofu before and I love it, but I have never cooked it myself. I just through in the sauce pan, added a little evoo and some seasoning salt(added a little too much because it was too salty). I added some Annie’s BBQ sauce to the tofu and it tasted just fine. On the side I cooked up some brussel sprouts,hubby made organic mac and cheese, and some black eye peas. I know it was a weird combination but very filling. 

This morning I got up at 5am, and was contemplating going to an hour spin class.It’s my last day on my free 7 day past, so I thought what the heck I better go. The only reason I was thinking of not going was because I was worried that my legs would be too sore and that I would feel it during the race tomorrow. So I just did 40 minutes of the class and then some free weights and ab work out. I feel ok today, so I think that was the best move!
It was Halloween sofor bfast I made a bloddy mess!!! Here it is:

Because hubby and I are going to Memphis for Thanksgiving, I decided to find a local race there and run it. Hey why not race on vacation, it’s what I love to do! I found a race on the 27th at 9am, it’s called the Memphis Turkey Trot!!! So I could run and then stuff myself with goodies:) I hope it works out.
Well it’s the night before my race, and Halloween so once again my plans are conflicted. For all YOU racers out there you must KNOW what I mean about sacrificing either Friday nights or Saturday nights for early long runs or long races. We got invited out to a couple parties, but I sadly had to decline because of my 4:30am wake up call!!! O’ well I ll party at 9am tomorrow, when it’s all over:) I will post result’s on Sunday, because I want to spend as much time with Ray Hay as possible! Have a safe and Happy Halloween….the hubby and I will be at our house for the first time this Halloween so we can’t wait to see all the trick or treaters!
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