Recap of Last Night
After Church, Hubby and I went for a 2 mile walk with Bosco.
Let’s just say he was sooo happy.
Look at that face!
Next we went to my gyms Holiday Luncheon. There is nothing like going to lunch with a bunch of fitness instructors It wasn’t just any lunch it was a pizza luncheon. Everyone kept talking about how they couldn’t wait to get back in the gym, and how they over did it this Christmas…lol…I wanted to tell them to LIVE a LITTLE! That is one thing about being health conscious, sometimes we get obsessed! My boss did spoil us she got us all one hour facials at a spa.
After the luncheon we came home and did some house/yard work. I cleaned up the house and hubby did the lawn, were such a great team. I finally caught up on a lot of your blogs and got really motivated for the New Year!Some of you have some great goals out there.
Later that night we headed over to Chris and Revay’s place. We were having a dinner+game night. Hubby and I love games and this was our second one this weekend, we couldn’t have been more happy. It’s nice being on vacation in your own hometown sometimes because you get to enjoy the people that are in your neighborhood a little bit more.
Revay made us some delicious Turkey Chili. I topped mine with some natural corn chips from Tj’s and cheese. I went back for seconds, a little less then my first bowl.
I also had my fare share of wine too. I think this is the first time this holiday that I have had any red wine! I had 2 glasses of red and one glass of white. My friends are a bunch of WINO’S so they always have the best wine.
After dinner and drinks we headed over to the living room for the games. We started with PIT, one of the best games ever, then played Apples to Apples, and then busted out the ROCK BAND. I had never played this game and now I am addicted! I felt like a kid again it was great. We also snacked on some treats while we played to, I tried to limit myself.
The Goods:
The Games:
We didn’t get home until after 11 again, so it was a late morning for me didn’t get up until 8:30, loving vacation.
We are still out of Oats so I had to be creative with breakfast again. I took some ideas from Meghann and Brianne and made Mini Whole Wheat Pumpkin Cranberry Apple Pancakes (I see a them going on here). I added pumpkin, and cranberries to the batter, and topped with apple cranberry butter and apples with cinnamon.
Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success- Stephen A. Brennan
I think that setting 2009 goals, not new years resolutions, is a great way to feed your soul. To be intentional about things that you want to accomplish or goals you want to achieve is only the first part of bettering you..
I thought I would share with you all my Goals for 2009, in hopes to inspire you or encourage you in anyway. I set goals at the beginning of the year, but they do change or I do add some as the year goes on. This is only a skeleton of what can be. I know that plans change, and I am willing to except that, this is just a rough draft because I am ultimately not in control of what happens in my life.
- Run at least a 10k, 15k, Half Marathon, or Sprint Triathlon every other month.
- Run a 19:30 5k, and a 40:30 10k
- Train hard and smart for the Boston Marathon
- Stay injury free buy adding more yoga and stretching daily
- Do at least 2 or more days of weight training a week/kettle bells
- Buy a Road Bike
- Stay in Shape
- Get an A in Anatomy and Physiology this year
- Stay on top of studying and homework
- Read at least one book a month
- Memorize more scripture
- Read Bible Daily
- Pray more
- Journal again
- Have more time to be still
- Spend more time with the people I love.
- Save more spend less (one I try all the time)
- Save for Boston trip
- Save for Bike
- Finish with in A in A&PI and II, and Chemistry.
- Start Masters Program in Fall
- Focus in where I want to be
- Sign on at least 5 more families to Need-A-Sitter
- Hire at least 5 more sitters for Need-A-Sitter
- I know that one can make a list of goals, but it’s the steps to get there that is more important. I have steps for each of these things, and I hope that I can keep you all updated on how everything is turning out. What are some of your goals for 2009, do you have a plan, have you written it down?The plan for this Monday is to deep clean my office and the guest room. I want to reorganize a lot, so I am hoping to make some major headway. The only thing I have to be at today is teaching AKB tonight at 7:30, so I should get much accomplished! I also must get some OATS and PB!!!! Have a HAPPY MONDAY!
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