Last night I made Hubby and I a suburb dinner I know that Filet Minion is Hubby’s favorite, so I decided to go all out!!!
I topped the Filet with grilled mushrooms I cooked in Wortshire Sauce and a little margarine.
Along with a spinach salad
Plus a backed potato topped with green onions and Greek Yogurt.
This Filet was so easy to make. All I did was brush the Filet with some EVOO and then rubbed in some Onion Soup mix on all sides and sprinkled with some pepper. Then baked in the oven on broil for 7 minutes on each side. TA DA!
I dined with a little wine, ended up only having two sips.
For Dessert I made Sundaes! I love these single serving Ice Cream buckets.
Hubby surprised me with GS Thin Mints!!!
The perfect Sundae
I surprised Hubby with a Peanut Butter Heart Reese’s!
He loved it!
We were so satisfied last night and we didn’t even have to pay anyone a tip
This morning I slept in until 8am and it felt amazing! Today is the last day of my NHS Spa Weekend and I am going to finish it right! I made a GM to give me the perfect start to this beautiful day!
Soy Milk, Frozen Blueberry, Kale, Ice, Flax Seed, and a Banana.
Morning Greens
I do have to clean the house today, but I am ok with that it’s part of my detoxing for the weekend!
On the agenda for today
- YogaDownload Dave Farmar Vinyasa for Beginners
- Clean the House
- Manicure and Pedicure for me and Bosco
- Teach Kickboxing
Alright friends here are the last of all your questions, this has been fun!
Q: Can we see a picture of your wedding ring and engagement ring??
Sure. I actually love my ring. Hubby designed it himself
The Engagement Ring The Engagement ring with the Wedding Band!
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Q: Do you pick your verse of the week? Or do you get it from somewhere else? I enjoy it!
Actually Erin and I have been picking them. I have been picking them sorta of randomly.
Q: Do you ever feel like you just want to stop all your activities? Like maybe it’s too much?
I love all that I do and whenever I feel like it’s too much I stop and think to myself, “is there anything I need to let go?â€. Sometimes the answer is yes and I do say no to some opportunities. Most of the time I just need a little break and then I can bounce back to tackling it all!
Q: Where did you go to college? what for?
I went to Crichton College, in Memphis TN. I got a BA in History and Education.
Q: You probably get this question a lot: HOW CAN I GET STARTED?! Not the routine, not the food, but mentally. How can I get started? I swear I’m ready to begin working out and eating right, but I give up after way too short of a time. I don’t know the positive thoughts to think in order to keep it up. I need to fill my head with positive thoughts or find some kind of mental motivation and I’m struggling to come up with any. THANK YOU!
Wow, this one is a big one! I think the first thing you need to do is sit down and look at your life. What are the things that you are doing that are working and what is not working? It’s all about baby steps, you never want to just jump right into something and then feel like a failure when you make a mistake. I would suggest planning out your week. What tools will you need to succeed? Healthy foods, gym routines, extra time, more sleep, etc.. Write down your goals and make sure you find a friend that can keep you accountable, you don’t need to do this alone. Write down your MANTRA and when your struggling say it over and over in your head. I have a sticky note on my mirror that says, “Even on your worst days, God still thinks your beautifulâ€.
Q: What is the sweetest thing your hubby has ever done for you?
When we were dating sadly my Great Grandma passed away and I was devastated, because I was living in Minnesota far away from my family and Hubby. I really wanted to fly home but I was afraid I couldn’t leave my new job. Hubby was AMAZING and took the initiative to purchase my plane ticket and work things out so I could go home for the funeral. While I was at my lay over in Phoenix Hubby and I were chatting on the phone. I was sitting at the Startbucks in the airport(go figure) and Hubby came up behind me while we are on the phone and SURPRISED me!!! I was so confused. I asked him what he was doing in Phoenix and I remember him telling me, “I am going home with you sillyâ€. He wanted to be by my side through everything!!!!
Q: What are your three favorite breakfast foods?
Oatmeal, Waffles, Egg and Avocado Burritos, Egg Sammies, and GM’s!
**If I forgot your question and it was appropriate shoot me an email!
31 responses to “Fancy Smancy”