Everyday Protection

The Sun is out and it’s time to talk about protection!!

I know many of you will be out laying by the pool this Memorial weekend so this comes at a crucial time 🙂 My Mamma is a make-up artists, so my whole life she has given me advice about skin care and the #1 thing she always preaches is sunscreen!

So when Eucrin contacted me and asked to review their Everyday Protection SPF 15 Body Lotion and SPF 30 Face Lotion, I was ON it!


There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t put face lotion on with at least SPF 15 in it, but I am really bad about putting sunscreen on the rest of my body. I really like both of these lotions for several different reasons. The first being that it doesn’t feel oily on my skin. That’s probably why I am really bad about normal putting on sunscreen, I can’t stand my skin feeling OILY! I even noticed my dry elbows clearing up and my skin is so much softer. Even if you don’t buy Eucrin lotions, I strongly urge you to protect your skin!

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Ecurins is offering a free sample to anyone who likes the Eucerin Facebook page so you too can  have access to this same product ! Here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/#!/EucerinUS?sk=app_116759268400519

I have had to most productive morning and now I get to PLAY!!!

*****First I have to show you my breakfast from this morning 🙂

I got to use my cute new festive bowls.


God Bless Oatmeal America!


Off to ANOTHER birthday party + dinner with the Bestie!


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