On this day in History: Decmber 4th 1816 James Monroe of Virginia was elected the fifth president of the United States.
So last night as we were going to bed I made the decision not to go to spinning class this morning. I am going to do AKB tonight and I am still pretty sore from yesterdays run, got to listen to the body.
For breakfast I made a Bowl of SNOW:
the combo:
1/2 c oats
1/2 c water
1/2 c vanilla soy milk
1/2 sliced banana
handful of hemp seeds for protein
handful of crushed walnuts
1/8 nutty banana boom PROBAR
sprinkle of coconut (SNOW)
drizzle of agave nectar
and a spoonful of apple butter
with my peppermint mocha coffee and a shot of Monavie
This is my Last PROBAR:( I am going to be doing a contest for a PROBAR GIVEAWAY soon, so stay tuned…..

I decided not to run the Holiday Classic 15 k this year. I am kinda sad about it but at the same time I know its best. Its $40 dollars for this race I didn’t realize that until yesterday, and we could use that to buy people we love gifts or shoot even donate the money. If the race was for a cause I might think about it but it’s not. Also we have two party’s on Saturday night and I don’t want to worry about having to leave early because of the race on Sunday morning. So I decided that I will do my own 15k from my house on Sunday! I should have hubby make me a banner that says FINISH…lol…just kidding.
Well folks I am out here, I have a busy day ahead and I still have to mop and sweep the floors this morning for our couples study tonight! Have a Terrific Thursday!
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