Day 1: Real Food in Vegas!

Today marked DAY ONE of our Real Food Challenge, but before I get to that let me recap the past 48 hours 🙂

Monday we packed up the car and headed off to Vegas with the parents. Nothing like showing up to our hotel in this ride 😉


We stayed at the Excalibur, which is right on the strip. It’s really inexpensive, and because we were staying for just one night, it was the perfect hotel for us.


As soon as we arrived it was DRESS UP time. I love how my Mom is a make-up artist, because every time we go out she makes me look so purty 😉

BEFORE….oh my!


I wanted to get her doing my make-up on video, but my video camera died 🙁

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and AFTER….SHE IS SOOO GOOD! I love how she made my eyes POP!




Hubby is so lucky, it takes him like 2 seconds to get dressed 😉

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Check out my left trap..what the heck?!


My beautiful Mamma and Step Dad..caught him off guard 😉


Before our show we decided (well really Hubby decided 😉 ) to eat at Texas de Brazil. It’s his favorite restaurant. Do you remember we went to a Brazilian Steak House this summer with my cousins? This one is MUCH better!


It’s an all you can eat steak house with a salad bar. Here’s how it works, they give you a card with two sides. When you want them to bring you more meat you turn your car to green, when you want them to stop you turn it over to red. 

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We all shared a bottle of Terra Andina’s Carmenere 2009. It went perfect with the meat and cheeses.



My favorite part of this restaurant is the SALAD BAR!!!! I loved the shrimp and whole mozzarella with tomatoes!


Second favorite part was the Lobster Bisque. I went back for seconds!


Then came out the meat.

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I tried a little of each, probably added up to a 4 oz steak. I am just not that in to red meat.


But the Filet Minon was my favorite 🙂



The four of us were STUFFED!


Then it was off to our show!!!


It was spectacular! I have never seen anything like it. It was an hour of Frank Sinatra’s best hits choreographed by dancers and a super talented orchestra!

The whole time we were singing and snapping along and I quickly wanted to become a professional dancer! They are all so flexible and strong. When we left, Hubby and I tried to dance outside our way out of the theater….

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We are still working on it 😉 I think classes are in store for the two of us.


The rest of the night we hung out at one of the bars (Dick’s) in our Casino and listened to a great cover band! Were not big gamblers, the band was much more entertaining.


Check out the view from our hotel room.


Ok on to today!!!

Our first day of the Real Food Challenge in Vegas 🙂 I woke up earlier then everyone else, because my internal alarm clock NEVER let’s me sleep in!

First things first, COFFEE!!! I ordered a Non-Fat Misto. I will miss my Soy Misto, but this will do.


And jumped started my metabolism with a banana, I wasn’t sure when and where we were going to eat breakfast so I needed something to hold me over. 


Thank goodness I can still have coffee on the RFC!!!


Everyone finally woke up and we we decided to take on the city by foot! I came prepared with a "snack bag". I was a little worried about our choices in the city.


Hubby didn’t really want breakfast so I asked Starbucks for some hot water and made myself a cup of oats 🙂 I am sure people were walking by wondering what the heck I was doing.

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I just added a little PB+Almonds!


We couldn’t wait to get outside! I hate the smell of smoke!


Hubby finally got his appetite and I was prepared!


He went with one of the Vita-Mix granola bars I made.


Before we headed back home we found the only machine we  will play, Deal or No Deal. We didn’t win any big money, but we didn’t walk away empty handed either 😉


Goodbye Vegas, thanks for the fun times!


We had a long car ride ahead of us and I was fully prepared with some "Real" food.




But then it was getting late and we had to stop for dinner. I was so worried and didn’t know what we would be able to eat. Until we saw a Chipotle.


Did you know that Chipotle has Free Range Chicken?!!! They have really stepped up their game with the freshest, pesticide free, and free-range ingredients!!


Lettuce, corn, black beans, cheese, and organic cilantro.


Hubby had almost the same thing minus the greens and plus the chicken.


We are not planning on making this a habit, but are so glad we found this stuff out!! Not the perfect first day, but not too shabby!

We made it home safely, clothes are washed (can’t stand smelling the smoke), lunches are packed and fresh bed is in the bread maker 🙂 Time to take on our week!


We snacked on some yogurt and fruit when we got home and that will be all our food for today.

Question: Ok RFC participants, how was your first day????


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