Category: Uncategorized
Since I have been watching a ton of HGTV and getting inspired. I thought I would share some fun ideas I would love to do when I am well 🙂 Thanks to Kath tweeting this wonderful link to an amazing blog called I Heart Organizing ( I have been so inspired! Their house looks a…
Almost There!
Hello friends! I am almost all better… almost. Taking one more day to rest up, don’t want to risk getting worse and don’t want to risk getting anybody else sick at work!! Here is what we have been up to. Drinking green juice: kale, spinach, carrot, apple, cherries, and cucumber. Eating Chicken Noodle Soup,…
Still Out
Hey friends! Yesterday I thought I was feeling much better, but last night was horrible! I had a major coughing attack and my temp is back at 101. Needless to say I am out sick. I was excited that my body was feeling back to it’s normal self, but I spoke to soon. Apparently it’s…
Eat Like an Athlete Part I
I feel like it could be really easy to feel hungry all day long while training for an HIM. I have been doing a lot of reading and studying about how to fuel while I train and I thought it would be good to do a post about things I have been doing that have…