Category: Uncategorized

  • Saturday Happenings

    Last night I had the amazing opportunity to cheer on my little brother at his first benefit concert! You can check him out here… I was excited to get to wear my favorite little black dress:) And be the bouncer 😉 But before I went to the show I squeezed in a 14 mile…

  • Weekend Workout

    Happy Saturday Friends! I am alive 🙂 Took yesterday off of blogging to get back to REAL life. I got my first workout in yesterday since been being sick and it felt amazing. I just went out for an easy 5 mile run. I promise I did take it easy! It really feels good to…

  • Normal Temps

    So the meds helped and I feel 99% my self. First time I have felt good since last Friday! Headed to work!! Question; What’s the longest you have ever been out sick?

  • From the Garden to the Table

    Because I have been sick, there has been very little cooking going on around here. Plus we were gone all last week at Family Camp, so needless to say we have a TON of veggies from our garden!!  I plan on freezing and canning a lot of it, very soon!       I finally…