Category: runWestin
Weekend Fun + Polar RC3 GPS Review
HAPPY MONDAY!!! Diving right in to Week 2 of the 21 Day Summer Detox Challenge! Things are starting to look up. Energy is getting higher, headaches are gone and my skin is starting to really GLOW! I have been a busy bee in the kitchen. I love getting back to being creative! This weekend I…
RunWestin Weekend Recap
HAPPY TUESDAY! Sorry friends this may be a longer recap than normal, but there is just so much to tell you all about!!! Thursday morning I rose bright and early to catch a 5:30am flight off to Chicago! I brought a simple and healthy breakfast from home to take with me on the plane. I…
Hello Chicago
Well off to Chicago for the Rock and Roll Marathon. No, I am not running it
but I will be tackling my last set of interviews for the RunWestin position! More to come…promise!
First Week on the Job: RunWestin
WOW, what a week. It’s amazing what happens when you decide to just step out in faith and TRUST that if you work hard and are truly passionate and tenacious your wildest dreams can come true! Last Friday was truly bittersweet for me. I really hate goodbyes! It was an “end of an Era†as…