Category: Pinterest
Easy Fall Wreath {How-To}
Happy TUESDAY ya’ll! Friends have been asking about my Fall wreath, so I thought I would share a post I did about it last year:) I saw this super cute wreath on Pinterest and clicked on it it took me to Etsy where it cost WAY MORE then my budget called for. It looked simple…
Post-Nesting, is that a Thing? {Tips}
It has been a little crazy over here at the McCormick casa! I am not sure what has gotten in to me, but I am a rearranging/out with the old in with the new machine! Â I’m not sure if it’s the fact that we have lived in our house for 6 years and I need…
Honey, Lime and Tequila Shrimp Salad {Recipe}
HAPPY TACO TUESDAY! This mama has had a pretty exhausting weekend but coffee and green monsters are getting me through! RJ hasn’t been sleeping too well this week, partly because she had her 6 month shots and they gave her a fever and she just hasn’t been herself. I’m treasuring these late nights and doing…
Healthy Orange Herb Chicken {Recipe}
Sorry for being so MIA on the blog this week. It’s been one of those weeks where I feel like I am hitting the pillow at night wondering if I even looked in the mirror all day. It’s been a fun week to say the least, but I have been running at 5am two days…