Category: 100 Days of Real Food
Tips and Tricks Part I
Picture source This morning I emailed all the RFC paricipants REAL FOOD “Tricks and Tips” to help keep us motivated through this JOURNEY! I wanted to share these tips and tricks with all OF YOU too. Although you might not be doing the RFC, this is a healthy living blog so I am sure this information will be just as useful…
Day 2: Real Nacho Bowls
Hello friends. It’s 10:30pm, and I still have some potatoes to peel for tomorrow’s dinner. Thank goodness I worked out for 2 hours tonight and still have a TON of energy
Week 6 is in process for the 14 week kettle bell challenge can you believe I am Almost half way there. I can…
Food, Inc….Review
Hello friends, how you been? Ok so last night I finished the film Food, Inc. If you haven’t seen it, I so recommend it. Warning, it’s not for the faint of heart. I am not here to tell you how to eat, but to tell you how this film really affected the way I see…
Meal Ideas
Because Lisa has already come up with some YUMMY recipes on her RFC blog .I thought I would share some of them with all of you!  I know a lot of you are worried about running out of ideas of what to make for your meals, so now is the time to get in as much information…