Category: 100 Days of Real Food
Spring into Summer Throw Down
I know I am in the middle of the biggest challenge of my life The Real Food Challenge and I am finishing my 14 week kettle bell challenge… …but Summer is around the corner and I have some shaping up to do. I want to feel my best inside and out. So instead of taking…
3 Week Update on the RFC
Time for a three week update on the Real Food Challenge
Let’s be honest, it hasn’t been easy and I haven’t really felt much different, because I normally eat pretty well as it is, but there has been change. What do I mean by change? Well I have LOVED eating at home a lot…
RFC Tips and Tricks: Part II
We have been trekking along just fine on our 100 Days of Real food. Day 11 only 89 more to go! We have gotten through dinner parties, VEGAS, work conferences, and late nights at work. I have 5 more tricks and tips  for everyone (especially those who are doing the RFC) to help you continue…
Day 9: Not Fried Chicken Fingers and Pom Mocktails
Tonight I decided to take the evening OFF from ALL WORKOUTS! My body needed some major rest after an hour of YOGA and 5 mile run yesterday. Plus I really wanted to play in the kitchen
Peanut/Almond Encrusted Baked Chicken Fingers (a mouthful I know) I have made something similar, but this time I…