Ok, so it’s time to rap things up with this wonderful Blend Retreat!
Day3: Bootcamp. Chobani Breakfast. Farewell Raffle. and Downtown Denver.
Chobani’s trainer Tiffany kicked our butts!
Then it was time for a Chobani breakfast, complete with Love Grown granola!!
The awesome raffle at the end was amazing!!! Everyone won something, I won a box full of Kind Bars I can’t wait to try.
Then we had to say goodbye I love all these GIRLS!!!
After the retreat my trip wasn’t over!!! I got dressed up yet again and headed downtown with friends to explore Denver!!
I wish Hubby was with me so bad, because one of our dreams are to go to all MLB stadiums!!
We enjoyed dinner at the Blackenridge Brewery. Because I was missing Hubby so much I order in honor of him. One of my favorite things to do when my Hubby and I go out is having a bite of his burgers and stealing a couple of his fries This was the avocado bacon burger and some sweet potato fries.
As well as a Vanilla Porter, which I will be flying back next month to get!!!
As is all the cheat meal goodness wasn’t enough, we finally had FRO-YO!!!!
Oh how I miss these girls and how I wish they loved closer so we could play!!!
Ok, so who’s coming with me next year??????????
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