This week has been such madness! We are entering our busy season at work and I feel like the voicemails and emails NEVER stop. I do love it, because I get to talk to some amazing families and it really makes the days fly by. Needless to say I haven’t had time for much blogging. I have however enjoyed STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK. Check out all the fun we’ve had.
Monday: Family Dinner Night with Chik-Fil-A
Tuesday: Ice Cream Social
Wednesday: RECESS!!! Isn’t that cute
Thursday: Staff Lunch + FREE MASSAGES!!!
Tomorrow: we shall see…
Tonight after work I took off for a 6 mile tempo run which was an epic fail! Bosco and I ran the first mile and a half together and then I dropped him off and took off for some speed. I could really feel my left leg dragging a bit and it was a struggle to get it off the ground. Not sure how to explain the pain really. I was a little nervous to keep running so I turned back around and ran straight home to my foam roller.
As you can see we have a love hate relationship.
I love the way it feels after, but when I am rolling I am crying!
Time to eat my veggie sammie from Subway. I got a foot long so I can have lunch tomorrow too! This week have been less then impressive, guess that’s what I get for not go going to the market this week
Time for Thursday Night Group
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