Last night I had to make the decision of whether or not I was going to go out with the gang for a 40 mile bike ride today. I really love riding with them, but my Friday ride was killer and I knew my legs/body needed REST! So I decided not to set my alarm and sleep in and call it a REST day. I never thought I would be so sad to have missed a ride over sleep, but sometimes you have to be SMART and say NO when you body is telling you to rest!

So instead of riding I made breakfast and some delicious coffee 🙂


Banana Whipped Oatmeal with strawberries, Love Grown cocoa goddess granola, pumpkin seeds, and spoonful of PB. The strawberries were extra sweet which gave my oats a natural hint of sugar 🙂


Last night when I got home from work I found this waiting for me on the table! As part of the FoodbuzzTastemaker Program, I received this amazing Godiva Chocolatier Coffee to come up with a fun summer coffee treat!!! OH AND I WILL!


Don’t these sound heavenly?


Alright friends off to work. It’s going to be a beautiful day on the mountain 🙂


P.S. Our garden is getting so big I think we need to build a stand out front! Cucumbers, squash, pumpkin, tomatoes, watermelon, peppers, kale, eggplant, cilantro and more!!!


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