It’s been such a fun weekend at the McCormick’s. If You didn’t know better you would think we had a party hall and catering company at our house!
Time for SUMMER parties!!!!!
Friday we had a surprise birthday party for our good friend Brian at our house.
He was so surprised! Love him.
Amy (his girlfriend) and I stayed up late the night before making stuffed shells. I used my go-to Giatta recipe! Along with a tomato bruschetta and Cesar salads. It was an amazing feast.
I made a pesto chicken salad for myself. Super simple, lettuce, Costco pesto, and grilled shredded chicken.
Lots of bocci ball was played and chatting took place, backyard parties are the best.
Amy and I also made ice cream cupcakes! These were a huge hit. We made two kinds. One with brownie on the bottom and mint chip ice cream and the other with vanilla cake and moose tracks. These are so easy!
Thanks to Fresh & Easy we were able to have a wine tasting throughout the evening.
My favorite was the I love CA red blend!
Time to blow out the candles…
What an amazing group of friends!
On Saturday we hosted another couples Bunco party at our house. The theme was summer PINS! All the couples brought summer appetizers and drinks that were on their Pinterest boards!
I made a Goat Cheese & Strawberry Balsamic Bruschetta. It was flipping amazing!!!
I also made a summer salsa paired with cinnamon sugar pita chips and a summer moscato punch.
Everyone else brought some pretty amazing punches too!!
The spread was AMAZING!!!!!!
The ladies of the evening.
The crazy boys!
I have to say Bunco with men is so much more fun!
I enjoyed a plate of yummy goodness!!! It was my cheat night… oh ya!
And 2 glasses of this delicious margarita combo!
Side Note—-> Look how cute these glasses are that I got at Target on sale! Perfect for outdoor parties.
Such a fun weekend!!! Oh and it’s not even over:) We are on our way to my nieces birthday party at the beach!!!!! Us Californians love to party
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