Happy Friday!!!!
Can you believe it is already April?!
My favorite month of the year
Gotta love birthday month.
Look what’s coming…70 degree + weather!!!! YAY!!
Do you think running one marathon sounds tough?
Try running 75. In a row.
That’s what Terry Hitchcock did when he set out from Minneapolis to Atlanta on a 2000 mile journey to raise awareness for single parents. He ran, walked, and crawled his way the that finish line.
My Run had a one night showing at select theaters across the nation.Last night the running buddies and I went for a short run and then went to see it!
I brought in my dinner by purse Veggie salad + Veggie Chips.
I went into it knowing absolutely nothing about Terri Hitchcock or his story. I can’t believe this happen over 10 years ago and this was the first I had ever heard about it! The documentary was a little different than I thought it would be.
It was truly an inspiring story. The movie begins with the narrative of how Terri and his wife met, fell in love, and started their family once upon a time ago. Then it takes a turn to sadness when his wife loses her battle with cancer and he is left to raise their family on his own. Wanting to make a difference in the world, he decided to run to Atlanta just before the opening ceremonies of the Olympics to raise awareness for single parents. That would be over 2000 miles. He plans on doing it by running a MARATHON A DAY for 75 days!!!
You see he looks like Santa Clause and not like an elite runner. So of course no one thinks he can really do it. One of the best parts for me, was that his 20 year old son stuck by him through it all. I think Terry wanted people to see that anyone can be a hero. That ordinary people CAN do extraordinary things.
It sure made me want to never complain about running in the 80 degree heat!! If you are a runner, I am confident you would appreciate this film.
This morning I slept in and decided to take the morning off from Kettlebells. It’s been a long week and my body needed the rest.
For breakfast I busted out the baseball bowl, in honor of baseball season being WELL on its way!!! Can’t wait to get to our first game
I also enjoyed some my homemade almond butter !
In the bowl:
Banana Whipped Oats
Sliced Almonds
Homemade Granola
and a dash of Almond Milk
Look what came into the kitchen! Hubby had an old computer stored in the garage that I decided to use. It’s perfect for recipe finding! I am using a wireless keyboard and mouse to keep the counter space clear when I am not using the computer. So far it has been a huge help.
Time to get busy baking! I am making whole wheat bread and English muffins! No Fit Friday Baking this week, but I’ll be back to it next week.
P.S. Thanks for all the comments on the "Healthy Living" Post . I loved all the feedback, it really encouraged me to strive to be the healthiest I can be
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