I am not sure I could be anymore relaxed. After our massages all we wanted to do was curl up in a ball and pass out!!! Instead we came home, lit my new favorite candle and got busy in the kitchen. Every good wife knows that you must cook the Husbands favorite meal on his birthday
So I turned to my best of Clean Eating cook book and found the perfect recipe! You must go out and buy this cookbook, I think I have book marked every page!! My new goal is to make at least one recipe a week!
The ingredients
Instead of Panko bread cumbs I made my own whole wheat bread crumbs. Earlier in the week I left out a couple pieces of bread to get stale for about 2 days and then stuck them in the oven at 200 degrees for 2 hours. Then mashed the heck out of them in a zip lock with a mallet
This chicken parm recipe doesn’t require egg, just Dijon mustard (which you can’t taste).
While cooking I enjoyed a glass of Cab.
Check out this chicken, it’s totally LAGIT (as our roommate Asher would say).
On the side whole wheat pasta! The marinara sauce taste straight from ITALY. I wish I could share the recipe, but I pretty much followed it straight from the book.
Birthday dinner served.
To another year of love, laughter, and smiles!
Guess who decided to join us half way through?!
Bosco step away from the table and know one will get hurt.
Now it’s time to play Hubby’s new game on the Kinect!
He’s really into it!
Asher is making us COOKIES that we can EAT!!!! We were so close to breaking one of the RFC rules tonight, but we knew that we could stay STRONG
Night Friends!
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