Author: Bobbi from nhershoes
5 Family Christmas Traditions
Hi friends! I know, I know…we haven’t even gotten to Thanksgiving, but this year we put up our tree a little earlier (#donthate) because we will be out of town for Christmas and we wanted to savor it as long as we could. So the tree is up, the music is playing and the baking…
Virtual Coffee Date-Peyton Bre
Morning Friends! How are you? I hope that wherever you are you are enjoying the change of season. Yes we are entering into an Arizona fall, but more than that we are entering into a brand new season. Filled with opportunity and lots of change! Tis our life
If we were having coffee this…
RJ’s Incredible 5th Birthday Party
RYLEE-JOY! You’re 5! I don’t know how that is even possible! It’s not the big 16, but it’s a big year! No more toddler years or diapers (we are not complaining about that)! But 5, it seems so big . . . you are so independent. You can get yourself dressed, make your own breakfast,…
Top 5 of Summer 2018
Hello friends! Where has this summer gone?! How about a little catch up post on all the things that have been going on in the McCormick household over this summer? You know …we are just over here selling houses, fostering all the children, engaging in a brand new community, and trying to pay off debt!…