Happy Easter!
Yesterday was out of control! I went to my cousin Caden’s 13th Birthday Party and had a blast:) For lunch they served a 10 pound burrito, I stole a small piece and just ate the insides.
They had a bounce house that all the adults enjoyed as much as the kids, my brother dominated the boxing rounds!
The best host of them all my Aunt Memory, she is amazing!
We also had cake and ice-cream, I am not a fan of cake but I did have some chocolate mint chip ice cream!!
The Birthday Boy!
After the party, my brother Jeremiah went out SHOPPING!!!! I wanted to buy a few new things for Boston and I haven’t been clothes shopping in a LONG TIME!!! It was sooo fun, I love my brother he is a crack up. We laughed so much I think I burned off my whole meal and then some. Can’t wait to show you all the fun stuff I got for Boston I didn’t end up eating dinner because we got home at 10:30pm and I cleaned like a mad women and crashed at midnight.
I almost have my check list crossed off for the weekend, almost;) Today we are headed off to church and then to my other Aunts for a huge family feast!
I am currently enjoying some Oat Bran, that Andrea sent me in my new Spring Poka Dot bowl, isn’t it DARLING?!
I gotta get ready I shall see you tonight, have a beautiful and blessed day!
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