Almost Back to Normal!

Happy Monday!!!!

We are headed back to CA this morning! We had an amazing time with my brothers family in AZ, but now I am ready to get back to reality 🙂

I did manage to get in an 8 mile run with my brother and it was amazing!! I loved the beautiful scenery and new trails are always fun. I am running the Run Through Redlands half marathon on April 22nd so I have been running a lot more miles 🙂 I was so proud of my brother, this as his longest run ever!


After our run I showered up and enjoyed my Shakeology of course! Doing a full review of Shakeology this week 🙂


We then headed out to a local art festival where I was tempted by all sorts of things like kettle corn and chocolate covered cheese cake on a stick!! Loved walking around outside!




I bought some kettle corn for my nieces and enjoyed a little 😉


After the Art Show we went to see the Dodgers Vs. Diamond backs in spring training!!


Oh how we love baseball!!! I am seriously in love with the game 🙂 those of you who have been reading for awhile probably know what huge fans Hubby and are of all sports!


We got to sit on the grass and enjoy the warm weather, hot dogs and an adult beverage. Life is good.


This gets me so excited about summer!!! Lazy Sunday afternoons chilling at the park 🙂 oh how I can’t wait!


Such a fun game! Then it was off to visit my brothers church and then dinner at Johnny Rockets:) I enjoyed a chicken Sammy and sweet potato fries, but camera died so I didn’t get a pic 🙁 it was so good!

After the long long long weekend and past two weeks of outings I am so HAPPY to go home for a couple weeks before our next trip. I love traveling, but I love HOME!

This week my meal plan consists of veggies, fish, chicken and as much clean eats as I can get in!! I am looking forward to trying new recipes and eating at home.


Monday: Salmon and Veggies
Tuesday: Tilapia Tacos
Wednesday: Shakeology
Thursday: Crockpot buffalo chicken
Friday: Home made pizza (using the chicken leftovers)
Saturday: Birthday Parties/Easter Celebrations
Sunday: TBD

What is your favorite sport to watch??


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