Good evening friends! It’s pretty late for this girl on a Sunday night, but I get to sleep in tomorrow so it’s almost like another weekend night! I am going to make this short and sweet, because I would like to get up and go for a run in the morning
Today was very productive!! It started off slow but when I got home from Church I managed to knock out almost everything on my to-do list! I first went to Costco which I barely survived!!! I forgot how busy Costco is on SUNDAY!!! Well at least I made it home and now we are good and stocked for the week/MONTH!
After putting all the groceries away I went straight to cleaning with my Pandora blasting! I finally found the Glee station that everyone has been raving about, I actually really liked it!
After cleaning the entire house, base boards and all I got to work on my weekly prepping (I will blogging about this more later). I keep most everything organized on my Google Calendar, that way Hubby and I both can see it. I also have my daily planner that I write all my workouts and meals down in. The magazines are for inspiration!
After prepping was over I took off for an hour of kickboxing! I love that I started the weekend off with an intense workout and I finished it with one too! As soon as I got home I started on dinner. Tonight I made Pizza, can you tell we love pizza in this family?
Made my Whole Wheat and Honey Pizza Crust (posted on recipe page).
Instead of using marinara tonight I went with good Old Memphis’s Corky’s BBQ Sauce!
My pizza toppings: Red Onions, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Cilantro, and Chicken. I would have loved to put cashews on but we were all out!
Hubby loves Pizza night, I think it’s the artist in him
His and Hers
Zach and I also enjoyed a salad (Zach is the friend that is staying with us).
Along with some Yellow Tail Shiraz.
My first time having this wine, I actually really enjoyed it. Sorry about the water spots!
My plate, plus I went back for one more piece of pizza and a little salad.
Hubby, Zach and I sat at the dinner table and talked for hours tonight about work and life as former many funny stories, I almost peed my pants!!!
I have the cookie recipe I PROMISE I’ll post it in the morning too tired. See you all tomorrow morning/afternoon!
P.S. The B&C POTM Winners will be announced this week too!!! Sorry we have been slacking on it, holidays, marathons, life!
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