Morning Friends! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!
I thought I would address some comments from a post on Wednesday. I ran 5 miles with a friend who needed a running buddy and then went and taught a KB class. Some of you thought that my dinner was not enough calories and that I might be over doing it on the exercise. Someone also commented that I might be losing weight and afraid I might not be getting enough calories.
My Response:
Yes, I probably did burn quite a bit that night, but I did manage to eat about 6 small meals BEFORE I ran and a snack before I taught KB, because I knew I would burning some major calories and would need the energy.
I don’t do a lot of back to back workouts and this one was pretty spontaneous. I also kind of get sick if I eat to much late at night, so that is why I tried to eat a mix of protein, carbs, and fat. I actually started working out 2 days less then I used to and if I miss a workout, I don’t half as guilty I am trying to slow down, but it is a process. Key word TRYING.
In response to the loss of weight. You are too sweet, I for SURE have not lost any pounds. If anything I think I may have gained a pound or two from the Holidays (I don’t step on the scale). I eat 6 meals a day and make sure to eat more on the days I am going to be working out. I just don’t post every meal, because they are kind of boring. Like and apple and cheese, Zone Bars, PB and Banana Sandwiches, and so on.
Thank you all for the concern and accountability. Believe me when I say that I am not trying to deprive myself from calories or trying to over do it on workouts.
Ok enough of that on to DATE NIGHT!!!!
Last night Matt and I decided to go to PF Changs. We haven’t been there in almost a year. We had some great food and beautiful conversation
While we waited to be seated I enjoyed a delicious glass of Cab.
He is not a fan of wine
To start our meal off we enjoyed some vegetable spring rolls.
I ordered something new on the menu. Coconut Curry Tofu and Veggies
Check out all the yummyness!
Love that they serve brown rice.
Oh he it too funny!
Someone had an accident
On to dessert. I have seen these mini cakes on other blogs, so when I saw them come out I just knew we had to try them We never get dessert with dinner so this was a treat.
Hubby got the Chocolate Mouse.
I got the Carrot Cake My favorite!
I got to wear a couple of my new accessories from Christmas yesterday. My new head band.
Coat and Sweater Dress. Gotta love Forever 21
Ok time to take on FRIDAY!!!! I got my Green Monster in hand and I am out the door.
Question: What is your favorite place to go out for dinner??
We are big fans of Italian and Thai!