This beauty was born!!!


Tonight we celebrated Baby E’s birthday!


D did such a great job at hosting, decorating, and making her daughters birthday so special. She is a GREAT MOM!


Little E loved opening all of her presents. She mostly loved the cards 🙂

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Ok maybe she liked the toys more!


D made all of the cute watermelon cakes! Man she is one creative cat. The theme of the party was an outdoor summer picnic. So cute and so perfect!



James makes the best burgers ( James is D’s Hubby and little E’s Dad).  I don’t know what it is, but it always melts in my mouth!


Jenna Bug loves them too 🙂


She also loves to talk on the phone 😉


You know the best thing at a 1 year olds birthday is the cake, right?! 


She was a bit confused…


The paparazzi waited for her to ATTACK! 


But she knows portion control 🙂

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Well almost! Man times flies I feel like she was just born!!!


Didn’t get in a workout today, due to the lack of sleep and some miscommunication with my running buddies :(  I’ll be back at it tomorrow.

I did get in a killer PT session with a new client and even got in a arm workout in myself!

I am so looking forward to a good swim in the morning and a good nights rest tonight.

It’s been a long week already! I think the heat is kicking my butt!!

Off to bed and a book I go 🙂


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