Hello friends!
It has been almost 6 months since I have done a “Day in the Life Of” post and they are one of my most favorite posts to write. Every day never looks the same, but we do have a lot of routines that are the same. So I am gonna pick a Monday and go with it! Can you believe RJ is 2 and 9 months?! Where oh where does time go?
If you follow me on SNAPCHAT (username:nhershoes)Â you kind of get a taste of our fun filled days! I took a seasonal job at Forest Home this summer, my old work place and I am loving it! It was challenging at first trying to juggle at home. But now it has gotten a bit easier now that camp has begun.
Alright so here is a typical (about to get real) what a day looks like!
2:00am// I get a tap on my shoulder from RJ saying (literally at 2am every morning), “Mama I want to sleep with you”. So I grab her put her in bed and crash. Cause she is only little once and this mama needs her sleep!
6:30am-7:00am//I wake up and see RJ in bed with us and think to myself, “How did she get there?”. Oh well, I slide out of bed careful not to wake her and head to the kitchen where I see Hubby in the living room already up early working away. I make myself a glass of SPARK and then take my supplements. I sit on my chair and have my quiet time some days and other I just try and check up on anything for the SHREDs.
7:00am//RJ wakes up and runs out of our room and snuggles with me! It’s my favorite part of the day. I then make her breakfast, an egg, waffle, and strawberries. I make myself a green monster or 2 eggs, a waffle and avocado (it’s my favorite thing right now). RJ eats her breakfast while watching Disney Junior and I get ready for bootcamp at my house.
7:45am// My ladies come over for a HOT BOBBBI bootcamp session, but they are happy to get it done before the real heat comes! Some days I do it with them (not on Monday’s) Â and somedays I just yell at them I normally do these at 3:30pm in the fall and spring, but with summer here we had to move them to the mornings.
8:30am//Pack up the car and get RJ dressed for camp for the morning. We head out about 8:45 and it’s a quick drive up the hill.
9:15am//Check RJ in to her class at camp, where she learns all kinds of amazing things about Jesus, plays, and sings songs! She loves it!
9:15-12:15pm// I work at my desk. I am the CCA registrar this summer, which basically means I answer a lot of parent emails and voicemails. The best part of my job is interacting with the summer staff and getting to be a part of their family!
12:15pm// Pick up RJ and head up to lunch. We eat lunch at Forest Home with the summer staffers, a perk of the job!
12:45pm-2:30pm// We head back to my office and change into our swimsuits for the pool and splash pad fun!
2:30pm// We head home because RJ desperately needs a nap.
3:00pm// We arrive home and I transfer RJ to her bed where she naps for about an hour. I sometimes stare at the wall for 15 minutes (no for reals), eat a snack, and then start working on NHS stuff. Sometimes blogging… like right now, personal training, Shred stuff, or I clean.
4:00pm// RJ wakes up and plays in her kitchen, paints, or we do puzzles. I need to buy more puzzles her poor puzzles are always missing pieces. She has a small snack and I start making dinner.
5:00pm// Dinner is ready for RJ and Hubby while I head out to do my workout for the day at Crossfit. Hubby get’s home between 5 and 5:30 and I give him a kiss and head out.
5:30pm-7:30pm// I do the Crossfit workout first and then teach an hour of TRX. I teach TRX 4 days a week, so I don’t normally do it everyday with them. This is only on Monday nights and Wednesday nights. I try and do two days of Spin, TRX and two days of Crossfit. I get at least one run in and sometimes a kickboxing class. My focus these days is just to workout everyday and not focus on numbers!
7:30pm// I arrive home (the gym is 4 minutes from my house) and eat dinner with Hubby. He waits to eat with me cause he is amazing! We eat and catch up on the day while RJ get’s in one more hour of “technology time”, girlfriend could watch the Ipad all day! We really have to limit her!
8:15pm// BATH TIME for RJ. Â Hubby gets her all clean and ready for bed.
8:45pm// I read RJ her bedtime story, sing to her, pray with her and then say goodnight. She wines for a minute and then PASSES out!
9:00pm// I head back up to camp (this in only on Monday’s) and teach a  DANCE glow in the dark class for family camp! It is one of my highlights of the week. We do some dancing and pounding with drumsticks! I did this last year and it is so fun!
10:30pm// I arrive home and take a MUCH needed shower!!! Hubby is usually passed out and I am wide awake! So I stay up checking social media, reading, or playing on Pinterest. Most nights though we are so tired we watch a little TV and are out by 10:30pm.
11:30pm//LIGHTS OUT!
P.S. I know that seems like a lot of workouts, but I only do one of them and the dancing:) The rest I am teaching. Could you imagine?!Â
SIDE NOTE—> A full recap of our time at Wolf Lodge coming to ya on FRIDAY!!!
One response to “{A Day In the Life Of} Part V”
Oh my goodness friend I am exhausted just reading all of that! I am usually asleep by 9:30 haha