Happy Monday!
It has been way too long since I did a “Day in the Life Of” post and I had request for one from a reader. I love when readers request things, it gives me some motivation to get a blog post up! If you follow me on SNAPCHAT (username:nhershoes)Â you kind of get a taste of our fun filled days Since Christmas it has been nothing but work, travel, work, travel and more work. Excited to get back to our normal schedule.
Our days are all a bit different, but for the most part pretty routine and planned due to RJ still (thank goodness) taking a naps everyday. I am kind of a nap Natzi!
6:00am // RISE AND SHINE//
I used to get up a lot earlier, but now RJ is sleeping until about 7am! I am really trying to savor our slow mornings together. I try and let my body just wake me up naturally which is about 6-6:30am. I usually lay in bed and catch up on social media and texts, but I am trying to break that habit! Get up and have some quiet time with the Lord before the house wakes up. I also make RJ her breakfast before she get’s up because she can’t stand her food too warm.
7:00 – 8:00am // RJ IS UP & BREAKFAST//
RJ is officially in a toddler bed! We wouldn’t have moved her so soon, but she wasn’t loving her crib anymore. She wasn’t sleeping through the night and we were at our whits end to figure out what was causing her to wake up SCREAMING! Our friends told us how the toddler helped their daughter, so we were on it! She LOVES her bed and although it has been a bit of an adjustment, it has been a great one. So when she wakes up now, she just comes right out to the living room on her own.
8:00Â – 8:30am // READY//
I get RJ and I dressed for the day, make beds, and clean up morning breakfast mess. I try and lay out RJ’s clothes every night and have her bag packed for the day. Makes life so much easier! I also try and clean up the kitchen before we head out for the day (emphasis on the word TRY).
9:00 – 10:30am // GYM //
Mamma gets her sweat on while RJ gets to play with friends. I think RJ likes going to the gym more than I do. I have been going to a crossfit gym a couple times a week, the YMCA gym for SPIN, and there is always my favorite workout and that’s a run!
10:30 – 11:30am // PARK OR GYMNASTICS//
RJ loves the park so most days we go right after the gym, or we will go to a local gymnastic gym that has free play for $10 for 3 full hours, and sometimes we meet up with friends for coffee dates at our favorite joint.
12:00 – 12:30pm // LUNCH //Â
If I know we are going to be out, I try and pack a lunch (PB sandwich for RJ, apple, and carrots). My girl is simple and she will eat just about anything, but she doesn’t eat a lot. So a few nibbles into the sandwich she is done and if I can get her to eat 3 carrots I am happy!
12:30 – 2:30pm // NAP TIME //
RJ goes down for a nap and Mama eats lunch while watching a bit of Gilmore Girls or Parent Hood. I have been on a salad and soup kick. Then I take a shower and do some laundry while I catch up on emails, Shred questions, Refresh Summit details, and bootcamp programing.
3:30-4:30 // BOOTCAMPÂ //
I have started hosting a Women’s bootcamp at my house in the afternoons and it has been a lot of fun! Everyone brings their kids and they all play together. RJ for the most time will play with the other kids, but sometimes she wants to be right by Mamma’s side the whole time.
4:30 – 5:30pm // DAD’S HOME //
Dad’s home and I start prepping dinner. We try and eat at home 5-6 nights out of the week. It’s nothing too fancy, we have a meal plan that is very similar in what kind of food we eat. Monday’s are Italian, Tuesdays Mexican, Wednesdays are leftovers, Thursday’s we have group, Friday’s build your own pizza night…and so on. We do the crockpot a lot! While I cook RJ plays in her kitchen and pretends like she is making dinner for us.
5:30 – 6:30pm // DINNER //
My favorite time of the day. We gather around the table (I am big on this) every night, except the weekends. We talk about our days, watch RJ make funny faces, and have adult conversations after RJ is ready to be dismissed from the table.
6:30-7:30pm // CLEAN UP AND PLAYÂ //
I usually clean up the kitchen and pick up around the house will RJ and Daddy play or watch a movie together. Sometimes I say forget cleaning up (happens a lot) and join in on their time! One of our favorite things to do together is put on the Frozen soundtrack and dance and sing the night away!! We turn the lights of and use flashlights as our microphones,
7:30 – 9:00pm //BED TIME ROUTINE //
If we are not at Tuesday night community group or Thursday night friends dinner, we are giving RJ a bath (while the other relaxes a bit), reading her a story or two, brushing teeth, and singing her a song. Then, off to bed she goes. Sometimes she cries for about 10 minutes and then she passes out or one of us has to lay in bed with her until she is out.
9:00pm // DOWNTIME //
I am usually reading a new book, watching Friends, or Pinning things on Pinterest for potty training or activities to do with RJ. Hubby loves to play PS4 it helps him wined down from the day. Sometimes we watch a show together or we even like board games on occasion. We are late owls and stay up sometimes till 11pm. We are kinda of used to the little sleep. We also try and do date night once a week and have great sitters (aka family).
Question: What is your favorite time to wake up in the morning?Â
5 responses to “{A Day In the Life Of} Part IV”
I was wondering the same about snapchat. Never see snaps. But I also get you on Instagram which is awesome. I teach high school and like to be there by 7:10 which means leaving by 6:55. I wake up 2-3 times a week at 4:20 so I can get to the gym. It’s mostly empty then. I warm up and then do a variety of routines. I love free weights in the group class rooms.
I follow you on snapchat, but never see any snaps!! I wonder if there is a setting I need to change?
ya cause I am not private at all
Any longer nap secrets? EK switched from 2 naps to 1 and only sleeps for an HOUR and i need more time haha! Two hours would be awesome! Glad she is loving her bed.
I think being consistent is key, but sometimes her naps are short and sometimes longer depending on how much sleep she gets at night. Like last night she woke up at 1am and didn’t go back down till 3am!