Hey friends! Have you signed up for the Summer Shred yet?!!! I am getting so excited!! Only three more days ’til Boston, crazy right? You can check out my Boston Marathon recap from 2009 here. Well we will be gone for a WHOLE WEEK and I CANNOT WAIT! I haven’t done a day in the life of post since RJ, so I thought I would kick off this Friday with a little fun!
4:30am : The alarm goes off and I wonder why am I choosing to get up this early?!
4:30-4:40am: Scroll through social media to get some motivation to get my sweat on!
4:45am-5:15am: Get up, get dressed, make a cup of coffee, have a piece of toast and almond butter and do my She Reads Truth devotional.
5:15am: Drive to Redlands to meet Susie and Vanessa for a run.
6:30am: Stretch and head back home. I may grab some Starbucks if I really need it.Â
7am: Get home take a quick shower before baby girl wakes up. (Well, she probably has already been up once so Hubby feeds her and puts her back down.) Try and plan out the day, and catch up emails and text messages.
7:30am: BABY girls wakes up. Say good morning to RJ. We snuggle a bit and I feed her her second bottle.
8am-8:30am: Change and Breakfast time for RJ and me. We share a green smoothie or oatmeal most mornings.
8:30am: We have been enjoying the porch most mornings as the weather has been perfect. We ride around on her bike, play with toys, roll around on the ground, sing songs, and dance.
When her rooms a mess we play in there. She plays in her crib while I clean up.
9:30am: RJ gets her second bottle and she goes down for her morning nap (most mornings).
9:30am-11:30am: Nap time means MOM’s work time! That is the time I catch up all emails, work on Shred stuff, make calls, blog, work on the Refresh Summit, and clean. I have been taking my office outside and it has been glorious. Getting out of the house helps me not be distracted!
11:00am: RJ wakes up we get dressed for the day and run some errands, head to the park, or meet with a friend for lunch! I have to get out of the house at least once a day!
12:30: If we are not out, I normally make a big sexy salad and RJ has a bottle and some other food like sweet potatoes or peas. She has tried everything and really loves sweet potatoes.
1:30-3:30- Pretty much free game! It all depends if we are still out enjoying the outdoors or playing at the house. I am really loving this stage! She isn’t mobile yet so we have a a lot of floor time and tummy time.
3:30: No matter where we are, I always try to get home for RJ’s afternoon nap (TRY). I give her another bottle and most days she will go right down. This nap is not as long as her morning nap. For me this time is where I try and pick up the house a bit, do my daily chore, and sometimes just sit and watch some of the Cooking Channel (true story).
4:30: Because baby girl may only take an hour nap if I am lucky! When she wakes up, we do another changing. (I am sure there have been about 2 other diaper changes in between and a blow out here and there.)
5pm: DAD comes home!!!!!! I brush my teeth finally.Â
5:30: Time to make dinner unless it’s Thursday night. RJ just loves to help!
6:30pm: Dinner on the patio. RJ likes to join us on the table! We usually feed her before we start eating or while we are eating. Eating real food has been a fun little challenge.
7:00pm: BATH time!!!! (Every other night.) We take turns, but I always sneak in there because I just love seeing her play in the water.
7:30pm: Hubby or I read RJ a book or two and put her to bed. The other one is usually cleaning up the kitchen.
8pm: We kick up our feet, enjoy some tea (or wine), dark chocolate, and a little tube. I wish I could say I read…but by 8pm all I want to do is sit and not really think.
We typically go to bed between 9-10pm!
Well, this is a good day.  You should see the bloopers!
7 responses to “{A Day In the Life Of} Part I”
You are such a wonderful mom, I am so happy for you and I miss you!
RJ is so darn cute! What a blessing she has been to you guys. So fun to watch.
So much love going on here! Love it! Can’t believe you get up that early though! Goodness i’d take a nap before lunch haha
I just LOVE following your posts on RJ!! She is just so precious and such a blessing!
I love day in the life posts
It sounds like a fun day. I’m impressed you get up so early!
ahhhh loved reading this sweetheart !!!!!!! <3
Aww love these posts! I love how complete and blessed your family is with sweet RJ!
So adorable!