A BIG Announcement

Our FAMILY IS GROWING!!! Now I know you all are thinking I was going to announce that I was pregnant Winking smile Oh that day will come, I am sure of it. But we do have news that I have been hiding from all of you and have been dying to share with you!!!


This is a post that I have been waiting to write for some time now. When you have a blog, you have to weigh out how much of your life you share with the entire world! I was waiting for the perfect time and realized there is no “perfect” time. I know that this opens us up the door to many questions from you all and honestly I am being super open so that I may be here for other women who may relate to our story.


In 2010 Matt and I decided that we wanted nothing more then to start a family. We figured I would get off the pill and everything would just happen. As I watched all my friends get pregnant ( as you probably noticed from all the baby posts) I was eager to get started. After about a year past, I started to get a little worried and decided not run marathons for the time being and cut back on heavy cardio as this is what “everyone” said was best. I refused to go see a doctor as I knew nothing was wrong and that all was in God’s hands and when he wanted us to get pregnant, he would do it. After two years had passed I then started to get a little nervous and decided to go to a homeopathic doctor. I won’t go into the depth of this visit, but let’s just say I didn’t get pregnant and I decided to just leave it be and pray. In the meantime Matt had been checked and everything was good (or so we thought). Two and half years have passed and in December we decided that if by the end of 2012 we weren’t pregnant we would pray about adoption. Starting this past January I decided to go to my actual Dr and get checked for a few things, but not venture into infertility treatments. All my test came back great, which I suspected (my body is all good).

We know NOW more then ever God is drawing us in the direction of adoption. Since the moment we were married, we both have agreed that we would adopt. Whether it be after we birthed our own children or before. Now I know what you are all thinking, “watch once you adopt you will get pregnant” we have heard it all friends! If that happens then we would be beyond blessed!! We are looking to grow our family way past three of us!

Adoption is completely terrifying yet ever so exciting. We are confident that adoption has been in His plan for us all along. It just took a few minor bumps in the road, which really means “bumps in the life that I had planned out for us to have”…for us to see His plan to so clearly. These were not “bumps” to Him. Praise be to Him!

There are so many different ways that you can adopt and we have been blessed to have friends in our lives that have adopt both privately and through the county. Through much prayer and wisdom we have decided to go through the county. We know that this won’t be any easy journey as having children always changes the rest of your lives, but we could not be more ecstatic!!

Most importantly, we are thankful for a Savior who has adopted us into His family!  We have been convicted this past year about sharing the Gospel to others. We should not hide it; we should shout it from the rooftops! God offers His gift of salvation. He adopts us as sons and daughters in Him. “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” (Galatians 4:4-6) What a beautiful picture of His grace and mercy!

Our precious child will be a constant reminder of God’s love for us and our family! Thank you for praying for us, as well as the baby who will soon be ours!

We can’t wait to meet the child who will fill these shoes!

I will be adding an adoption tab to the blog and will be sharing the journey there Smile So stay tuned!


87 responses to “A BIG Announcement”

  1. This is such great, great news, and I’m so happy for you! My youngest two siblings are adopted, and we were also a foster family for many years. Like any child raising, it comes with its own set of issues – but I cannot imagine our family any differently! Way to go!

  2. Sending prayers your way B

  3. Bobbi! I could not be more happy for you guys! You are such an inspiration! Can’t wait to watch your journey and be praying with you along the way!

  4. Brooke Jones Avatar
    Brooke Jones

    I’m ecstatic for you and your husband! You both will be blessed beyond measure. Praying for the two of you as you start your amazing journey of becoming parents!

  5. Amanda @ Sistas of Strength Avatar
    Amanda @ Sistas of Strength

    How beautiful!!!! Awesome news. 🙂

  6. OMG! So excited for you and so proud of yall. You will be awesome parents. i can’t wait to follow along. I have several christian friends who have adopted or are adopting, amazing stories!

  7. Krista N. Avatar
    Krista N.

    Bobbi, this truly is amazing! I’m a long-time reader, but a first-time commentor..and I felt like I had to comment today. My fiance and I have already discussed our thoughts on children, and we both feel God leading us to adopt as well as have children of “our own” (although any child, adopted or not, will be ours!). This is so encouraging to me because I feel like so many people in the U.S are oblivious to how many orphans there are in the world (around 147 MILLION worldwide!) I’ll be thinking about and keeping you and your husband in my prayers, I know this will be a life-changing experience for you both! If you’re considering raising funds for adoption, I really encourage you to check out http://www.147millionorphans.com/! God bless!

  8. This makes me SO HAPPY. There are so many orphans out there that need a loving, gracious family that wants a child of their own to love so badly. You two will be incredible parents – I can’t wait to follow along!

  9. Hi Bobbi! I never ever comment, but I have been reading your blog daily since 2009. This was such an amazing post to read and I am so happy for you and your husband. Even though I’m sure it was not an easy road, you will be giving and receiving the best gift in the world–and it is all according to God’s plan. Amazing.

  10. Congratulations, Bobbi! This is exciting news and I am so happy for you and your growing family. I look forward to reading your journey!

  11. Wow! That is such exciting news. Congratulations to the three of you!!

  12. Katie @ Hungry Runner Avatar
    Katie @ Hungry Runner

    How excited! Congrats, Bobbi!! 😀

  13. I am beyond excited for you and your coming family!!! EEK!

  14. Congrats to you and Matt!

  15. Congratulations Bobbi!! I love the photos and the more amazing story of how you got to this place. I think adoption is a wonderful blessing and I am very excited for you!! I have friends who have adopted 2 children from Ethiopia over the past 5 years or so and they are such a beautiful family. 🙂

  16. Yay Bobbi! So excited for you guys!

  17. Congrats girl! I’ve thought about adoption as well so I’m excited to hear about you and your little family!

  18. God bless you both and your super blessed child! Love you!

  19. Aww, congratulations sweetie! What a great opportunity that God has set before you…to welcome a child into a home full of love and care where they may not have received it otherwise! I’m so happy for you two! *hugs*

  20. I am BEYOND thrilled for you guys and think adoption is such a beautiful thing! I can not wait to hear more about the beautiful baby coming your way! I am just so happy for you guys! You are such a beautiful and amazing person! <3

  21. Congratulations! I am adopted and after 10 years of trying to conceive with no luck; my parents got pregnant 4 months after I am born. I am proof that it sure does happen. Good luck to you!

  22. Oh Bobbi, this made me cry tears of joy for you! Congratulations!!!

  23. Your attitude is precious. My husband and I also plan to adopt at some point – for the same reason of sharing Christ’s love and our adoption by God – so I look forward to learning more through your experience!

  24. Jocelyn Avatar

    Congratuations! That is exciting news! I know the heartache of not getting pregnant month after month, year after year. It must feel great to have a plan laid out. I wish you and Matt the best!

  25. Congrats on your exciting news…..PLEASE check out this adoption blog as I’m sure you will enjoy it!!!! http://www.addingaburden.com

  26. Angela Mantzey Avatar
    Angela Mantzey

    So happy for you! My husband and I are going down the same road, just a few steps ahead of you. We got 3 kids placed with us in December and are on the way to adopting them 🙂 Its been quite the adventure. Infertility/adoption is an emotional journey, but once that child is placed with you, its so worth it! You are in my prayers!

  27. Congratulations! This is so exciting!

  28. congratulations! What an amazing journey it will be and I will be so so happy to follow and pray for you guys. And you’re right- b/c of His great mercy for us how can we do anything BUT reach out and show love and grace to others? I’m so thankful for your faithfulness (both of you!) and your willingness to share. The widows and orphans are so so important to the heart of God. Thank you! and… Yea! congratulations!!!!

  29. How exciting….What a lovely post!!

  30. Heather Avatar

    I am so excited for you guys and I really look forward to reading about how it all happens. It’s something we have talked about doing as well!

  31. This is so exciting-congratulations! Cannot wait to read more about it all. It has been a dream of mine to adopt a child from the Dominican Republic ever since I went there for a service trip. Someday 🙂

  32. Amazing news!

  33. Miranda Avatar

    Awesome news, so excited for you two!! Praying for your family 🙂

  34. Congrats! I was tearing up the whole time reading. My husband and I plan to adopt down the road, so I am so excited to read about your experience!

  35. I seriously got teary eyed reading this post. I know you guys have been wanted to expanded your family for a while and this seems like the perfect path to do so. I’m so freakin exciting for this new adventure for you two. Congrats!!

  36. congrats – that’s so exciting!!

  37. congratulations! I am sure God already has perfect match picked out for you. My prayers are with you!

  38. Awesome! So excited for you guys 🙂

  39. Stephanie Avatar

    I teared up reading this. Congratulations for following god’s path and staying so positive. I am definitely sending prayers your way!

  40. Amy Ramos Avatar
    Amy Ramos

    Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you and I can not wait for the next post where that wee one will fill those empty shoes.
    God Bless You!

  41. Congratulations, Bobbi! I know you mentioned the possibility when you were here in Denver, and I’m so happy for the two of you. I hope the adoption goes smoothly for the two of you!

  42. Oh my gosh I am so excited for you!! Adoption is such a precious gift to those who choose to go this route. The joy you will experience will be incredible. So excited. Praying for you both as you go through the process, praying for the sweet babe who will fill your hearts and home. Hugs!

  43. Congratulations!! This is such exciting news! 🙂

  44. Congratulations. I am so excited for you. Only God knows the plan he has for you. May he continue to bless you and I will be praying for your family.

  45. oh bobbi this just warmed my heart! congratulations to you and matt! sending lots of love and blessings your way <3

  46. Brianne Avatar

    Congratulations! My father was adopted and I have always believed that I would follow that journey to motherhood some day as well. Best of luck on your journey! You will be an amazing mother!

  47. Big congrats to you both! 🙂 So many people were shocked that I was pregnant. We were waiting to hear on adoption stuff and my body just decided to “behave”!! We still plan on adopting in the future & congratulations on making that decision! 🙂 Wonderful news!

  48. Congratulations Bobbi!

  49. Congratulations! I am so excited for you and your husband, especially for the peace you have knowing this is God’s plan for your family. Best wishes for the road ahead and I can’t wait to follow you on your journey!