Our FAMILY IS GROWING!!! Now I know you all are thinking I was going to announce that I was pregnant Oh that day will come, I am sure of it. But we do have news that I have been hiding from all of you and have been dying to share with you!!!
This is a post that I have been waiting to write for some time now. When you have a blog, you have to weigh out how much of your life you share with the entire world! I was waiting for the perfect time and realized there is no “perfect” time. I know that this opens us up the door to many questions from you all and honestly I am being super open so that I may be here for other women who may relate to our story.
In 2010 Matt and I decided that we wanted nothing more then to start a family. We figured I would get off the pill and everything would just happen. As I watched all my friends get pregnant ( as you probably noticed from all the baby posts) I was eager to get started. After about a year past, I started to get a little worried and decided not run marathons for the time being and cut back on heavy cardio as this is what “everyone” said was best. I refused to go see a doctor as I knew nothing was wrong and that all was in God’s hands and when he wanted us to get pregnant, he would do it. After two years had passed I then started to get a little nervous and decided to go to a homeopathic doctor. I won’t go into the depth of this visit, but let’s just say I didn’t get pregnant and I decided to just leave it be and pray. In the meantime Matt had been checked and everything was good (or so we thought). Two and half years have passed and in December we decided that if by the end of 2012 we weren’t pregnant we would pray about adoption. Starting this past January I decided to go to my actual Dr and get checked for a few things, but not venture into infertility treatments. All my test came back great, which I suspected (my body is all good).
We know NOW more then ever God is drawing us in the direction of adoption. Since the moment we were married, we both have agreed that we would adopt. Whether it be after we birthed our own children or before. Now I know what you are all thinking, “watch once you adopt you will get pregnant” we have heard it all friends! If that happens then we would be beyond blessed!! We are looking to grow our family way past three of us!
Adoption is completely terrifying yet ever so exciting. We are confident that adoption has been in His plan for us all along. It just took a few minor bumps in the road, which really means “bumps in the life that I had planned out for us to have”…for us to see His plan to so clearly. These were not “bumps” to Him. Praise be to Him!
There are so many different ways that you can adopt and we have been blessed to have friends in our lives that have adopt both privately and through the county. Through much prayer and wisdom we have decided to go through the county. We know that this won’t be any easy journey as having children always changes the rest of your lives, but we could not be more ecstatic!!
Most importantly, we are thankful for a Savior who has adopted us into His family! We have been convicted this past year about sharing the Gospel to others. We should not hide it; we should shout it from the rooftops! God offers His gift of salvation. He adopts us as sons and daughters in Him. “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!†(Galatians 4:4-6) What a beautiful picture of His grace and mercy!
Our precious child will be a constant reminder of God’s love for us and our family! Thank you for praying for us, as well as the baby who will soon be ours!
We can’t wait to meet the child who will fill these shoes!
I will be adding an adoption tab to the blog and will be sharing the journey there So stay tuned!
87 responses to “A BIG Announcement”
Link exchange iis nothing elsee but it is simply placing the other person’s website link on your page
at suitable place and other person will also do same in support of you.
love this! and your faith and witness. praying for you guys!
Congratulations on expanding your family!
Congratulations Bobbi! How exciting! God works in mysterious ways doesnt he? My hubby and I have been trying to conceive for almost a year now. Unfortunately, it’s not happening. The clock is ticking. LOL. We have two little boys (that youve met), but we were aiming for a little girl. Either way, weve always wanted to adopt. Since I havent been able to conceive, my husband and I have also decided to adopt through the county! My husband was adopted and I think its a sign from God that he wants us to adopt as well. We are just starting the process and I happened to read your story. I look forward to following your journey as we will be going through the same experience. My prayers are with you guys, Good luck Bobbi! Congratulations! God is good.
God Bless.
Congratulations!!! What an exciting time!
I am so happy for you!!! This is amazing news..and I love how you approached it.
Congratulations!! I’ve followed your blog for a while, and just wanted to say you’re such an inspiration and your positive attitude is contagious! I appreciate you sharing your journey through this time. You and Matt are going to be great parents
congrats Bobbi! I look forward to hearing more!
That is awesome news! I have friends who adopted within the past year and know that it can be a challenging road – I pray that yours won’t be! You and Matt will provide a wonderful godly home for the child God has chosen for you.
Bobbi, first of all, congrats!! What a wonderful blessing for your family! Secondly, I was on buzzfeed and saw that they used your photo for one of their articles and I thought you’d get a kick out of it! http://www.buzzfeed.com/peggy/29-awesome-ways-to-tell-everyone-youre-preggers
Adoption is beautiful!. My best friend adopted- it took 6 months from beginning her paperwork to getting her baby. Best of luck awaiting your little one!
CONGRATS! I love the picture of adoption being tied into the gospel, and am so excited for this new baby to be raised in the card of God-fearing parents who will love this little one with all they have!
Hey congrats! I am trying to get started with this too. Who are you going through? A lawyer or a local agency? I am trying a local agency but I am not getting much from them. I went and had a initial meeting over a month ago and haven’t heard anything back and I have called and left messages. Do your friends recommend any place particular?
Congrats to you! I love to hear adoption stories. I am an adoptee myself and all I can say is that you are doing a wonderful thing. Cheers!
Congrats and what a wonderful gift you are giving a precious child. My parents adopted my older sister, me three years later, and then 7 years later my mom finally got pregnant. I am so thankful God has His plan in place first since I think I ended up with the best family ever!
This is great news! So, so happy for you. It took my husband and I over a year with “nothing wrong” so, just be patient and it will all come in God’s time. I understand how frustrating it is seeing everyone else pregnant though. I am excited to follow your blog through the adoption process and I’ll keep praying for you with the adoption process and fertitliy process. Feel free to email me if you wany any information about my year of trying and how I was training, etc. No worries if not …
Congrats! I am so excited for you! I will be praying for your family!
As an adoptive mama and foster mama, my heart is so full of joy for you and Matt! What a blessing it is to see your heart for adoption…and pursuit of your future child and children…just as the Father pursues us! I love you and your blog already, and I know that I am REALLY going to love following along with you on your journey to bring your baby(ies) home. Congratulations! I am just thrilled! Much love!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Congrats to you both. How exciting!!!
That is great news. Congrats to you & Matt. Perhaps in the futer you will consider the option of acupuncture. My acupuncture doctor told me how he’s helped many couples with pregnancy issues. He’s worked on men as well (even with no problems). Not always the woman’s problem. Acunpuncture is a great way for preganancy and many other things. This is a natural and safe option. I do support adopting. So kudos for taking this big step. I’m sure it was a big decision to come to.
This is an amazing post and I am SO happy for you and Matt!!
Congratulations!!!! This is such a beautiful announcement and I honestly couldn’t be happier to hear it from you. You and Matt will make the most amazing parents to this beautiful little child. I am so happy for you both! So much love!!!!
Congratulations to you two. What a wonderful decision and blessing.
Congratulations! I’m super excited for both of you. Thank you for being open with your story. You have no idea how many people this can help. You are an amazing woman with so much to share. I can’t wait to watch this unfold for you. Congratulations again to both you and Matt.
Adoption is such a beautiful, wonderful thing! I have two adopted siblings and they have been the greatest gifts from God for my family. CONGRATULATIONS!
Your little Tom picture made me burst with happiness and joy! How ADORABLE!! God bless your sweet family. I pray for strength, patience and wisdom as you go though this journey, and as a long time blog reader couldn’t be more excited for you in this next chapter in your lives!!
I feel like this post was written about my journey. My husband and I have a wonderful 4 year old son that we adopted. Congrats! I wish you all the best. I will be praying for you and Family while you go through this journey.
CONGRATULATIONS! This is SO exciting!!! Happy for you all!!!
what an exciting time in your life! your little one will be so, so loved!
OH Congrats Bobbi! I have to say it warms my heart when someone says they are adopting(just because I’m an adoptee myself!), and it seems fairly rare these days…..from where I hail anyways. I hope you have a wonderful experience with it!!
What a wonderful post! Congratulations. I have an adopted cousin, neice, and nephew (plus many more ties) so I am a BIG fan of adoption.
One other comment – if you want a natural way to find out more about your fertility and how to work with your body to achieve a pregnancy, I would highly recommend looking into the Creighton Model of Fertility Care. It’s a form of Natural Family Planning and can work wonders for achieving pregnancy (even for women with PCOS and endometriosis). http://www.creightonmodel.com/ There is a link one that site to find a teacher in your area. My husband and I have been using this for years and love it so much. You can find out so much about your body and pinpoint any hormonal or other issues with your cycles so you can pinpoint fertile times to get pregnant. Best wishes!!
Congratulations to you and your family Bobbi! I appreciate your raw honesty in this post and also your privacy for not disclosing all of the details
I can’t wait to read more about your adoption journey.
Congratulations! Many blessings on the road ahead… I think adoption is wonderful.
I am praying for this journey for your family! How exciting
Even though I already knew this, your post still made me tear up. I am so excited for you and your Matt. God is going to bless your family in so many ways. I LOVE YOU!
I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!! That child is SO blessed to have a mother like you!! Oh my gosh this just makes me feel so happy inside. I have followed your blog for quite some time, and admire you so much. I can’t wait to follow along on this new journey. Best of luck to the both of you on this exciting path!
Oh, Bobbi! My heart is bursting with joy for you and Matt. Ever since we chatted at Foodbuzz in the fall, I’ve been thinking of you. You two are going to provide such a loving, nurturing environment for children to flourish in. Many prayers to you during this exciting journey.