I don’t know about you all, but I am ready for Spring!!! It has snowed twice at our house this year (very rare) and although the snow is beautiful I am ready for sunny skies and sun dresses!
Today I wore my OH so comfy poncho and snow boots! I fell twice today while at work today and managed to pop right up, looks like all the squats have created buns of steal!
Who’s got time for chains!
This week has been so interesting. Wednesday was my Monday at work as I worked from “home” aka Panera and enjoyed their salmon salad! Have you tried it? It’s delish!
This week I plan to make this amazing recipe from my Cooking Light mag! How good does this look?!
It’s been an amazing week of workouts:
Sunday: 8 mile long run and 10 mile bike ride
Monday:Â NROL Phase 2: Workout A + our yoga session
Tuesday: Core Power class at my Kickboxing Studio with the HUBBY! He did amazing!
Wednesday: Tought kickboxing (really just walked around)
Thursday:Â NROL Phase 2 Workout B
Friday: 5am!!! 6 mile fun run and I will be going to Yoga this evening and SALSA DANCING!!!!
It was so FUN to try out my new Saucony Virrata’s!!! I will be doing a FULL review of these tomorrow on the blog!
Also something that came in this week, was this awesome scale from Weight Watchers® by Conairâ„¢ Glass Body Analysis Scale (Model WW78). I love that it measure body fat and keeps a log of your weight. I AM NOT a SCALE person, but if you are trying to LOSE weight then the scale can be your friend to hold you accountable. YOU SHOULDN’T step on it daily, but once a week can keep you in check. I haven’t stepped on the scale since right after the Crazy Sexy Diet and I was pleasantly surprised to see that it hasn’t budged even though I have added wine and sugar back into my diet (in moderation of course). Actually I have lost 2 pounds, I am sure my weight will only go up or stay the same from here on out with all the strength training I am doing.
I have been lovingegg whites again!!! I LOVE eggs, which is one reason I could never be full vegan There is a local coffee shop that makes the best veggie egg white omelets and I don’t even really like omelets.
This week I have also been committed to making sure that I am going through my Pinterest and accomplishing all those pins I keep PINNING! My goal this week is to get my linen closet to look like this {ok maybe not exactly}…
and also to organize under our SINK! I love the clean look of this one.
OOOOh and since I have cut meat out of my diet I have been trying out new plant-based protein products. The sweet people at Plant Fusion sent me some samples of their plant protein shakes and I was so surprised that they aren’t CHALKY at all and the flavor is really good. It has over 20 grams of protein, no preservatives, gluten free, dairy free…well vegan pretty much. It’s really reasonably priced and I saw some at our local Sprouts.
OH AND look what I found at TARGET!!! I love me some Alexia sweet potato fries!
I almost bought these cute little napkins this week…but then decided I just need to get a shirt mad that says this!
We are doing a bit of remodeling in our guest bedroom (when are we not? …it’s a work in progress) I wasn’t 100% pleased with the last comforter we purchased so we decided to go with more of a teal, grey and rust color scheme. I think this duvet cover will be perfect! I am ready for this room to have some kind of flow instead of being a bunch of old stuff that we are trying to make work!  Maybe one day our house will be as organized as this…. I think I need to do an updated HOME TOUR, would that be something you all would be interested in seeing??? I am horrible at VLOGGING!!!
I close with this awesome quote by JB Phillips that I read this week. It’s so true and so speaks to my soul.
Do you feel like your house is as organized as you would like it to be?
What is one area that you would love someone to come in and completely reorganize for you?
5 responses to “Weight Watchers Scale & Plant Fusion {Reviews}”
I just moved and our house has ZERO storage. I didnt notice when we bought the house but now I’m really missing the extra closets/storage space. I’m getting really creative with storage especially because I don’t have a linen closet!! Pinterest is a GREAT help!!
I would love to see a tour of your house, it always looks gorgeous in the pictures you post
My kitchen could use some renovating, I’m hoping to paint the cabinets white soon
We live in my boyfriend’s grandmother’s house(after she passed) and when we moved in it was terrible. He did quite a bit of work to paint over the dark wood vinyl cabinets in the kitchen, but our bathrooms are in need of some MAJOR help. One is wallpapered and has brown speckled tiles (yuck!) and the master is blue speckled tiles! Welcome back to the 80s…. oy. We are talking about renovating the bathrooms this coming winter after the marathon! I need to spend more time in Lowe’s/Home depot so HGTV’s BathCrashers can come save me!
My husband and I have been talking about getting one of those scales that measures body fat. How accurate do you think they are? I’ve heard good things about the Tanita brand, but I wonder if the other brands are as good (and probably cost a bit less). Any insight? Thanks! Happy Friday!
Oh no, the bear can’t see in the snow!
I’m with you, I hope spring comes sooner rather than later. I want to wear tank tops and sun dresses!