This morning I woke up extra early, 5am so that I could carpool with hubby down to the gym. He plays basketball with some high school teachers right across the street from my gym. I woke up with a bit of sinus pressure, but after running my face with some HOT water, I was determined to go!
I only had 3 mile run, and after last night’s hard core AKB class this is all I think my body could have handled. A lot of it was strides so the treadmill running went by fast. I then did my 20 minute Jillian workout without the DVD.I pretty much have it memorized now. It was a mixture of ab and arm workout. Then what I looked forward to most, the SAUNA. I sat in it for another 20 minutes. I can’t believe I don’t do this on a regular basis, what amazing toxin release!
For breakfast was the best bowl of OATS! I made some cranberry sauce the other day and have been dying to put it my oats this morning. It reminded me a bit of Thanksgiving which made me happy!
The Mix-Ins
The combo:
½ c of oats
½ c Almond milk
½ c H2O
½ banana
1 tbs PB2
Pinch of pumpkin spice
1/4 c warmed up and put on top cranberry sauce
1/8 of a Blueberry Honest foods plank
2 tablespoons of Wheatberries!
Handful of chopped pecans
with a scoop of apple butter
With a glass of Emergency-C!!!!
After breakfast I prepped for our Taco Tuesday Dinner Party. Normally it’s just hubby and I, but this Tuesday Hubby invited his entire new work gang, and their wives. I was excited to meet them all:) I didn’t get off work till 5:30pm and they were coming over at 6pm so I had to do a lot of cooking before work, hence the reason for no early blog post.
Well all the prep work paid off, when I got home all I had to do was cook the turkey meat and all was ready (thanks to hubby for getting the house in order). I started losing my voice today(I wouldn’t be surprised if it is gone in the morning), so I was a little nervous about meeting all of his co-workers sounding like a HORSE! But they were all so nice, I felt completely comfortable. I am so happy that Hubby has such great guys to work with, there not just co-workers they are family! Sorry for the lack of pics I was too busy being a hostess, but I did get a quick pic of my plate and dessert!
These cookies were amazing!!! One of Hubbys co-workers brought them, I need to get the recipe, you all would die:) They were small which was great, because I had THREE, hey after all it is FAT TUESDAY
Hubby is currently cleaning up the kitchen, I LOVE HIM! Bosco is passed out next to me, you know you would all like to see that, and I am starting to dose off myself but I have one last thing to share with all of you!
Alright, I know I mentioned it yesterday, but I am doing Lent this year. What is Lent, well it is a time when Catholics, or others give up something in that is there daily lives for 40 days leading up to Easter. For me it’s about a time when I am giving up something that means a great deal to me in order to reflect on prayer, and the ultimate sacrifice that Christ made for me. For others it could be about trying to focus on something in their live that they would like to get rid of for such a time.
This year in order to feed my soul, I am not feeding my face with sweets or junk for 40 days. Well why sweets and junk? Because right now I feel like it is something that I have kind of of lost control of. Not that I eat ALOT of sweets and junk by any means, but I tend to eat dessert more then usual lately and have a tendency just to eat junk that is in front of me at school, instead of eating intuitively. I need to gain control back and also it won’t be easy, which is why I will be praying A LOT! lol…so what does this look like?
- I will not eat any desserts, including chocolate chips in my oats.
- I will not drink any fruity cocktail drinks(like a dessert)
- I will not eat any chips that are not 100% natural
- I will not eat anything when going out to dinner that I don’t know all of the ingredients that are in it. (this will be a hard one).
- I will not snack just to snack!!!
- I will not drink anything from Starbucks except for black coffee for tea.
It’s time to feed my soul by not feeding my face! LOL…Well kinda. What is something you could give up for 40 days that would help feed your SOUL, or something you could start doing!!!
P.S Hubby is going to do it with me, this is first time giving up anything for 40 days, so let’s cheer him on!!!!!
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