Hey guys, guess what? I MADE IT THROUGH THE DAY 🙂 I even managed to get an hour of kickboxing in after work, felt sooooo good!

I am “single” tonight, Hubby had an out of town basketball game and won’t be home until late. Which means I only have to make one meal!! I used my Slap Chop like a crazy women .. slap.. slap.. slap..zucchini and garlic in before…

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and after!

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The Slap Chop does work great, just not if your trying to cut up a huge pile of veggies. I use the Wok tonight too. I threw in EVERYTHING, I mean EVERYTHING! Tofu+Egg Whites

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Spinach…lots of spinach..

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Best BUY at COSTCO this weekend! I have been dying to try Cooked Chickpeas and these are so simple to make. This box comes with 4 pouches that have at least 4 servings in each packet and you just throw it in the microwave for 90 seconds!

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I also threw in 1/2c brown rice, 1 cup of organic frozen mixed veggies and mushrooms.

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I was working on posting on NY’s eve pics at work today and I had a bit of trouble so I am going to work on it tonight!

Now time to relax in front of the tube while I catch up on my Google Reader and Ragner Relay Bible.

Cheers to a good night of rest