Today Hubby texted me and asked if I would be up for Sushi with friends at Tokyo Sushi for dinner, of course I jumped all over it! I am on a crap free week, but Hubby hates sushi and was willing to GO. This might be my last meal that we go out to a restaurant for, for the next 31 days!
I ordered a cucumber roll with crab and avocado on top, drizzled with EEL sauce. I think is the BEST sushi roll I have EVER had.
Along with a mini salad and soup that came along with it.
Afterward we walked over to Baskin Robbins for the 31 cent ice-cream, but the long was wrapped around the building so we just opted for the local yogurt shop. I ordered a small vanilla yogurt with PB and Banana mixed in. It could have used a bit of chocolate.
I am currently watching all the TBL’s that I DVR’d over our vacation. I am also working on an email to send out to all the wonderful participants that entered my Simple Life Challenge. It’s not to late to enter send me an email by tomorrow and I will include you in as well.
The challenge will start Friday May 1st, so get those wheals in those bikes pumped and ready to ride!
Also if you think you have some great tips on how to live a simple & green life and would like to be featured on NHerShoes, please shoot me an email I am looking for some guest blogger posts for this challenge!
P.S. If you haven’t already make sure you enter in my Birthday Giveaway!!!!, last day to enter is FRIDAY MAY 1st!
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