WE MADE IT!!! After some major traffic and a little run in with some tred we are finally in San Francisco.
Thanks to Melissa’s mom we had lots of yummy snacks!
Melissa made Pumpkin Spice Muffins, she is such a good baker.
And we may or may not have finished off this can of Mulit-Grain Pringles Sorry for the blurry pic.
We got in a little after midnight!
This morning we slept in just a bit felt great!
We had a lunch date on Pier 39 with Anne P and Jenna.
I have been trying to meeting up with sweet Jenna for the past two years and something has always come up! I am so glad we finally got to meet, just like I thought she is a complete sweetheart and it was great to meet Anne P, bloggers are awesome!
It is one heck of a beautiful day in Cali!
We decided to grab something light because we were going to be working out. Once again we went to Boudin, Hub’s and I went there when we were in SF in September.
I stuck with eggs and toast, the best toast I have had in a long time!
Plus one large cup of Joe
When we got done with bunch we headed back to our hotel and got pretty lost so I missed yoga with the other bloggers So Melissa and I decided to hit the hotel gym!
It was small but we got our burn on!
Check out our snazzy hotel!
Ok were all showered and ready to hit up the Foodbuzz registration! We are still waiting for our roommates Meghann and Monica! Come on girls get here
More fun posts to come!!!
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