Holy MOLY… what a day!
I took today off because I worked on Monday and ended up being really nice with my racing come up! I was able to get packed so I don’t have to stress out about doing things at the last minute.
I taught Bootcamp at 5:30am (as I do every morning now) and then went to Starbucks for a little quite time to rest and reflect. It was just what I needed! As you can see I am kind of addicted to Pumpkin Mistos + Turkey Bacon Sammies
Then it was off to pick up some last minute fuel and gear for my race as well as a few things for the many projects I am working on at our house. When I got home, I knocked one project finally off our checklist!!
I purchased all of the white frames from a friend on Facebook for $7 and I have been meaning to hang them up in our hallway for like EVER! So I did a little Young House Love prepping!!
I took old newspaper and cut out pieces the exact same size to hang up on the fall first before I nailed them. See…
Then I placed the nails in and took the paper down. SUCH A GREAT IDEA!!!
Now they just need pictures Another fun project! I also finally hung up a couple other frames and art photo that I got a couple weeks ago.
It goes perfect with the new layout in our living room.
I also brought in one of our brown chairs (temporarily we really want an over sized chair) from the fire room to the living room for a nice reading area.
The pillow that is in the above picture has been the inspiration for the entire living room, I think you are all going to love it when we are all finished. You might even see some new curtains peeking in
In progress…TV is no longer there
Yesterday I got in my last swim of my training and today I got in my last bike ride!!!!
It’s almost here and I am not freaking out… YET! I almost have everything packed and will show you all the breakdown tomorrow.
After I got back from my quick 40 minute bike ride, I made Hubby and I dinner with mostly everything from the garden, minus the meat
One amazing BBQ Chicken Salad with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, grapes (from the garden), red onion (from the store) and chicken! Brown rice on the side.
I have so many more Zion pictures to show you all, but my recaps are going to have to wait till after the race on Sunday, but I do leave you with this amazing photo Hubby took of BOSCO!
What is one project you are working on at home?
Currently I am working on:
- Living Room
- Guest Room (again)
- Laundry Room (again) – needs a major makeover!
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