Sorry for the lame post last night. I was one tired little lady. I did enjoy the run with running buddy Susie even though I had to teach KB right after!!! It was so worth it Legs felt great and it was good to just catch up.
I have a super fun weekend planned, yep I have OFF this weekend. We have a Christmas wine tasting party on Saturday night and a Blogger Christmas Cookie Exchange on Sunday, can’t wait!!!
This morning I made it up early to work so I am currently enjoying a cup of FP and a bowl of instant oats and blasting the Christmas tunes! The co worker brought in Lady Antebellum Christmas CD, AMAZING!
Check out the view from my office window! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
10k Turkey Trot Recap
I can’t believe I have never done a Turkey Trot before! It was so much fun. I think the best part about it was that I got to do it with my little bro (he’s 10 years younger then me). He has been working out a lot at the gym and getting in some runs on the treadmill so he has started getting the running bug . When I asked him if he wanted to do it with me, he was all for it!Â
Thanksgiving morning we woke up at 4:30am as we had an hour drive ahead of us. Our start time was 7am and we still had to pick up our packets. When we got to the start line it was PACKED!! People take these things seriouse.
We just wanted to have FUN! This was my brothers first race EVER! He’s never even done a 5K.
The first couple miles were beautiful as we ran right along the ocean. We were singing and laughing as we saw some wonderful costimes. Sadly we didn’t dress up.
The last 2 miles were tough for my Bro, his girlfriend who was also running with us was doing awesome and we both were being the best cheerleaders we knew how to be. We kept telling my brother how strong he looked and how it was becoming mental! I shouted at him “PAIN IS TEMPORARY”. He was doing great and I knew he needed a bit of competition so I told him that his girlfriend and I were going to go ahead of him and sprint to the finish and then we would come back and finish the race with him. He agreed that was a good idea, but the minute we took off he was pumpped and pick up his pace. As soon as I finished the race, I ran back and not even 100 feet and there he was. He was sprinting his little heart out and looking so good!! He came in at 54:55!! ROCKED IT!
What a fun and accomplishing race!!! My brother never thought he would run a race and now he wants to traing for a half marathon He’s addicted!!