Four years of marriage really flies by when you’re having so much fun together!!!!
I am so blessed to have Mr. Matthew Brian McCormick as my husband and my best friend! He truly makes me laugh every single day and I love that about him. I couldn’t ask for a better half.
Happy Anniversary, Mateo!!!!!
I thought you guys might want to see a quick little recap of our past wedding anniversary celebrations.
Check out the first couple of wedding anniversary recaps:
Last year the Hub’s and I went to Palm Springs for the night and enjoyed a romantic get-away in the HOT SUN!!!
Two Year Celebration
A beautiful relaxing weekend in a cozy little cabin in the mountains. It was a trip well spent
One Year Celebration
Hubby and I were fortunate to celebrate our first wedding anniversary in the beautiful Island of Kona, Hawaii. We went for a week and I LOVED it!!! We went to Kauai for our honeymoon and I can’t wait to go back again one day!!!
Here are some more fun posts to check out:
**Stay tuned later this week for some fun wedding recaps I have been dying to do!!!!
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